Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Nandini Goat Farm, Mampuzha | Amballoor Panchayat | Mulanthuruthy Block Panchayat.

Amballoor is a village comprised in Mulanthuruthy Block situated at the southern end of Ernakulam district. The villagers are mainly engaged in Agriculture and allied activities along with agriculture cultivation. People engaged in DAIRY and goat farming as income generating activities through organised SHG activities. Nandini, SHG consist of 13 women members includinmg 1 SC is functioning in the west side of ward XII in Amballoor Panchayat. All of them are living in BPL and are engaged in various agricultural activities.
After grading process as envisaged in SGSY guidelines, they got assistance under SGSY for a Goat farm name by ‘ Nandini Goat farm ‘. The financial assistance was sanctioned from UBI, Neerpara with a total outlay of Rs.3,31,400/- of which Rs.100000/- is subsidy. They rented the land for goat rearing and constructed a common shed and purchased 55 Goats. All the members are care of the goats very properly and the unit is a model SGSY unit.
The Goat Farm was started under SGSY scheme with joint guidance and assistance of Mulanthuruthy Block Panchayat and Union Bank of India, Neerpara branch.
The unit is able to earn Rs.25600/- per month by selling 16 goats. After the repayment of loan subscription and meeting of other cumulative expenses they are getting a net income of Rs. 2000/- per head per month.

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