Edampadam is a small island situated in Varapuzha Grama Panchayat under Alangad block panchayat of Ernakulam District in the state of Kerala. The villagers are mainly depending on agriculture as the only source of livelihood which is limited to single cropping, primarily paddy. Total dependence on monsoon, which is as erratic ever and vagaries of nature like flood and drought contribute in no small measure to the miseries of the farmers. A large number of farmers use to incur loans at usurious rate of interest from the money lenders of the area. Under these circumstances, the Village Extension Officer of that area convened a meeting of the villagers and explained about the “Swarna Jayanthi Grama Sworozgar Yojana” (S.G.S.Y.) scheme which is implemented through block by Government of India.
In the light of the above meeting 15 women was set up and formed a self help group named “Shreyas” SHG. The group registered in the block office and at the same time they started a joint SB account in the bank. They gave a new shape & colour to their yojana by gathering on Fridays and out coming the strategies to be adopted to establish themselves as SHG. A small, but fixed amount named thrift fund was collected among the members of the group which could be lended among themselves with very low rates of interest. Meeting was also held to discuss and bring about resourceful ideas.
After a span of six months the first grading was conducted by the block officials in the presence of bank authorities. Verified all registers, pass books, documents, accounts and satisfied their dealings. The authorities took immense pleasure in helping SHG in realizing the path to be traced. They were allotted Rs 10,000/- as revolving fund from the block and Rs 15,000/- as loan from the bank. They established into small business, which fetched them profit.
After 1 year a second grading was conducted and they performed a good track record. Then discussed about the venture, which they have to commence and found that there is a good demand for catering, candle making & dry cleaning. By the help of line department prepared a detailed project report comprising an amount of Rs. 2 lakhs as bank loan and Rs. 1.25lakhs as subsidy. The amount was sanctioned by the bank.
Their incredible craze & passion for vocation have helped them to earn the maximum. As per the expectations their business flourished. Their enthusiasm, unity & proper follow up of concerned officers make the SHG as a typical group. It grows as a model SHG in Alangad block also. Now every month they are repaying an amount of Rs 4000/- to the bank against loan portion and at the same time each & every member can earn an amount of Rs.2000/-per month. The villagers are also happy by getting the quality products in their own village.
In the light of the above meeting 15 women was set up and formed a self help group named “Shreyas” SHG. The group registered in the block office and at the same time they started a joint SB account in the bank. They gave a new shape & colour to their yojana by gathering on Fridays and out coming the strategies to be adopted to establish themselves as SHG. A small, but fixed amount named thrift fund was collected among the members of the group which could be lended among themselves with very low rates of interest. Meeting was also held to discuss and bring about resourceful ideas.
After a span of six months the first grading was conducted by the block officials in the presence of bank authorities. Verified all registers, pass books, documents, accounts and satisfied their dealings. The authorities took immense pleasure in helping SHG in realizing the path to be traced. They were allotted Rs 10,000/- as revolving fund from the block and Rs 15,000/- as loan from the bank. They established into small business, which fetched them profit.
After 1 year a second grading was conducted and they performed a good track record. Then discussed about the venture, which they have to commence and found that there is a good demand for catering, candle making & dry cleaning. By the help of line department prepared a detailed project report comprising an amount of Rs. 2 lakhs as bank loan and Rs. 1.25lakhs as subsidy. The amount was sanctioned by the bank.
Their incredible craze & passion for vocation have helped them to earn the maximum. As per the expectations their business flourished. Their enthusiasm, unity & proper follow up of concerned officers make the SHG as a typical group. It grows as a model SHG in Alangad block also. Now every month they are repaying an amount of Rs 4000/- to the bank against loan portion and at the same time each & every member can earn an amount of Rs.2000/-per month. The villagers are also happy by getting the quality products in their own village.
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