Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Kanjoor is one of the Nine Panchayats in Angamaly Block and its area is 14.82 Sq.Kmts and the total population is 21072. Most of the people are Agriculturist and Agricultural labourers. Several activities are under taken in SGSY Schemes in this Panchayats and Mr. Santhosh , Kayyoliparambil House, parappuram PO, Kanjoor is one of the Swarozgaries of SGSY.
Mr. Santhosh , Mrs. Prabha Santhosh and their two kids are the members of the family. They belongs to Scheduled Caste. This BPL family suffered a lot to make their livelihood. Mr. Santhosh studied upto 6th Standard and Mrs. Santhosh has passed S.S L.C. Their children are studying in School classes. They owned a landed property of 4 Cents. They live in a house built under the assistance of Scheduled Caste Corporation. The elder child affected by Pernicious desease and the family spent a lot of money for his treatment. This family perturbed hard to overcome the poor situation. A ravishing life was a dream for them. The Village Extension officer of Parappuram happend to know the troubles of Santhosh. He visited the family and had a discussion . He advised Mr. Santhosh to take a loan under S.G.S.Y . They drafted a project for vegitable vending. The total cost of the project was 20,000/- Rupees. The V.E.O prepared the application and submitted to the Block Development Office . Block Development Officer interviewed the applicant and approved the project and forwarded loan application to Kizhakkumbhagam Service Co-operative Bank. Bank sanctioned a loan of 20,000/- rupees. Mr. Santhosh purchased a four wheeler and started Mobile vegitable vending unit. He had the mercy of God and the unit flourished. From the earnings he met the family expenses and also the educational expenses of his children . Gradually santhosh and his family aroused from lethargy.
Now he lifted his business to a rental shop. His wife Prabha Santhosh is a helpy hand. Due to their perseverence they enabled to have a nice life. Thankful God extended his mercy and his child is cured from illness. When we visited the unit to prepare a brief note ;of his experience , Santhosh said “ Sir, We are very happy and actually the S.G.S.Y Scheme saved my family” They are very thankful to the officials of Block Development Office, Angamaly and the President and the Secretary of kizhakkumbhagam Service Co-operative Bank. Secretary of the Bank is very much impressed because of the prompt repayment of the loan. Without any doubt it is true “ SGSY Scheme is a lantern in the life of Kayyoliparambil House”

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