Tuesday, August 21, 2007


The success story of Gramajyothi men’s Self Help Group in Palakuzha Grama Panchayat in Kerala state was proved that SGSY can change lives. It also tell how units of the youth make miracles.
In the village Ellikunnu, most of the villagers are agricultural labours but opportunity for employment is seasonal. In this circumstances Pampakuda Block Panchayat brought here the message of SGSY and inspired the unemployed youth to form an SHG.
Thus Gramajyothi SHG was formed on 2nd October 2003 as per SGSY Guidelines controlled by Pampakuda Block Panchayat.
The eleven members of the unit joined every week and collected a thrift of rupees ten each. The unit opened a thrift and credit account in Union Bank of India, Palakuzha Branch and worked in co-operation, with a determination for self-reliance.
During this time they have created a harmonic relationship with the Block Panchayat and the Bank. They discussed their problem with Block Panchayat and Bank.
After successful six months the SHG allowed its members loan from the thrift account. It really changed the day to day life of the members.
The Bank expressed satisfaction over the SHG and conducted first grading of the unit, and sanctioned revolving fund. The Block Panchayat sanctioned a subsidy of Rs. 10,000/- and the Bank sanctioned a loan amount of Rs. 15,000/-.
Making use of the Revolving Fund and the units share, they started micro enterprises like Copra Processing (coconut oil production) Banana cultivation, production of pickles, vermin compost etc. Copra- processing was the main activity. They collected coconut from the local farmers and produced coconut oil using traditional methods. The pure and hygienic oil became very popular and they named the Brand name “Gramika” for it.
During this time they have co-operated with various developmental activities of the village. They started an agricultural marketing center, and collected agricultural products like turmeric, ginger, banana from the local farmers at fair price.
After second grading the Block panchayat submitted application for loan to the Bank taking copra-processing and agricultural marketing center as the main activities. Union Bank of India, Palakuzha Branch has sanctioned a loan amount of Rs. 2,01,250/- and the Block Panchayat sanctioned a subsidy of Rs. 73,750/-
The unit had pocessed a building for rent and arranged all infrastructures for their activities. They bought copra-drier, Bottling unit, related accessories and started production of coconut oil. As they could not buy a mechanised expeller the production of oil is done by traditional ways. The bottled “Gramika” coconut oil is marketed in the neighbouring villages also. “Gramika” became very popular for its unique quality.
Thus their dreams fulfilled and the activities through SGSY has really changed their lives.
All of the members become self-reliant and their socio economic status increased.
But some of the dreams are left to be fulfilled. An owned building, fully mechanised expeller, a vehicle for marketing are very essential. The Block Panchayat is committed to help the group in this regards, in the coming years.
However, over just an SHG, Gramajyothi has became an indivisible part of the village. They conducted medical camps, seminars on various subjects, co-operated with Grama Panchayats project.
Taking inspiration from SGSY , Gramajyothi became the “light” of the village.

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